Terms of Use - Site.Pictures

Terms of Use

  • Do not upload anything that can be construed as porn, copyrighted material, harassment, or spam.
  • Don't impersonate someone else.
  • You own the content that you upload.
  • If you violate these rules, or do anything illegal, in addition to any other legal rights we may have, we will ban you along with the site you're hotlinking from, delete all your images, prevent you from viewing any images hosted on site.pictures, and even report you to the authorities if necessary.

I Found Something Awful!

If you see anything on site.pictures that shouldn't be there because it violates our policies, is illegal (e.g., copyrighted material or child porn), or for some other reason, please let us know by filling out our contact page.

Together, let's make site.pictures an even better picture-sharing website.

NSFW (Not Safe For Work) Content

Content that contains nudity, which a reasonable viewer may not want to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace, should be tagged as NSFW. This tag can be applied to individual images or to entire albums.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy (DMCA)

Don’t hesitate to contact us when a file is infringing upon your rights. Please show us the copyright of the music, and we will delete it within 24 hours. Remember to include the necessary information below to fill out a DMCA report:

  1. URL of the allegedly infringing picture to be removed.
  2. Describe how your work is allegedly infringed.
  3. The initial proof of infringement materials.
  4. Tell us about yourself:
    1. Copyright Owner's Name.
    2. Your Full Legal Name (not a company name).
    3. Authority to make this complaint.
    4. Your Contacts (Tel/Fax/Mobile and Email).
    5. Street Address.
    6. City.
    7. State/Province.
    8. ZIP/Postal Code.
    9. Country.
  5. In good faith, state that:
    1. You are the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
    2. You have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
    3. Your notification is accurate.
    4. You acknowledge that there may be adverse legal consequences for making false or bad faith allegations of copyright infringement by using this process.
    5. You understand that abuse of this report will result in the permanent ban of your network IP from our service networks.
    6. Typing your full name at the bottom of the letter will act as your digital signature.
  6. You can use our contact page to file a DMCA complaint. However, we may ask you to print and then sign the document. If you are legally established organizations, please affix the official seal.

About site.pictures

This service is running on cloud computing environments:

  • Intel Xeon E5-2697 v2 (12-Core), 2.7 GHz, 30 MB L3 cache.
  • Dual AMD FirePro D700 graphics processors, 6GB GDDR5.
  • 4 x 16 GB 1866MHz DDR3 ECC memory.
  • Distributed File System with iSCSI Storage.
  • Apple MacPro6,1 (Late 2013).

site.pictures @ Phoenix NAP: 3402 E. University Dr. - Phoenix, AZ 85034.

For business inquiries, please contact us.

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